Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rubber Stamp Idea #19

Do you have any of those wonderful paint chip cards laying around from the hardware store? Or, if you are like me, you swipe them just because the colors inspire you. Well, a fun and simple idea to use them for something useful is to make bookmarks! I stamped mine using Staz-On brand ink which dries smear-free and waterproof even on slick papers. On a few I removed a quarter circle at the corners using my 1-inch circle punch. A bit of ribbon completes it. A great craft for your kids! They can make them for all their friends and teachers this holiday!

Rubber Stamp Idea #16 - Shrinky Dink Jewelry
So, I hate to admit it, but I am old enough to remember when Shrinky Dink plastic sheets first came out. I had a ball with it then and love it even more now!

If you are not familiar with the stuff, you can read all about it here. I purchased mine in a local craft store and chose the Frosted variety.

Making earrings, pendants and keychain fobs is fun and easy with rubber stamps. You will need to choose a stamp with an image about 3 times the size of the desired finished product. Stamp with a waterproof ink like Staz-On. Color in the image if desired using markers or good quality colored pencils. Cut out the image as desired leaving a tab to punch a hole for any findings you might be using. Alternatively, plan on gluing the appropriate finding onto the back. Keep in mind that the hole shrinks, too! A standard hole punch is about 1/4" or 6 mm. It will shrink down to about 2 mm. I goofed up on my earrings and used a small punch that makes a 1/16" hole and couldn't get the earring wire through without enlarging the hole.

Now the fun - pre-heat your oven or toaster oven to 325 degrees. Place your shrink objects onto a piece of brown paper from a grocery bag or cardstock and then onto a cookie sheet. Make sure there is plenty of room between objects. Place in the oven. Don't freak out when you see your creation warp and twist as it shrinks! In about 1 -2 minutes it will lay flat again. Count for an additional 30 seconds and remove. Press flat with a pad of paper or something similar to set the flat shape. Add your findings and your done! You can make a slew of earrings in just minutes!

Other ideas: Use long border stamps to make rings and bracelets. Curve into desired shape while still warm.

Goofed Up? Return to oven for 1 or 2 minutes to re-soften the plastic. Now you can reshape!